It’s Wednesday, our last full day in Remedios. And the beams come down today. It’s taken a lot of work. Finally the concrete has been chipped away and the re-bar is exposed. Men from the church have come to help and today Junior joins them.
We met Junior at camp this summer. He has a heart for God and people; and a beautiful singing voice. On the photo you see him standing on the ladder. He came by last night and told us he is coming today to help and learn. Sure enough, he wants hands-on experience, so JR gave him some instructions and off he went.
JR and Junior. JR is not easy to for Spanish-speakers to say. The “J” is not hard, but the “R”…is just as hard as it is for English-speakers to say the Spanish double-r.
JR wants to know the name of Junior’s father and Junior wants to know how to pronounce JR. Quite a surprise for them to find out that Junior is not named after his father, Manuel; his name is simply Junior. And that JR is really a junior named after his father Oscar Henry.
This is JR’s first trip to Cuba. God’s plan for this trip was to include JR and he has been invaluable. We could not have accomplished this work without him. His keen eye and knowledge of how to improve how everything works will continue to impact future trips. He has brought humor to our team; patience; and his love for authenticity is contagious. He speaks truth without being brash. Alexis and Yudit will always remember he prefers bread and “no more crackers”. ☺
While all of this "hard" work was going on, Oscar was the cleaning up grew. Somebody has to do the work that no one wants. Oscar is the neutralizer of the team, he talks to everyone, laughs with everyone and always has a story to tell. Together with Rachel, they are doing a great job for God in Cuba and in the USA. They are the glue that brings the projects together