“There's something majestic and healing about worship in Cuba that I've never heard anywhere else in my life. I think about all of you often and hope that Jesus continues to move in what often seems like a beautiful, yet broken place. ... I talk about life in Cuba often. My students are fascinated and ask a zillion questions about Cuba. But, I understand... I mean, who isn't fascinated about Cuba?” - Esther
Until Next Time - Thursday Nov 10
It’s early on Thursday morning and we are waiting for the van that will take us from Remedios to Havana for our return trip home.
The beams are down and the sanctuary has a feeling of openness. But there is still a lot to be done. The walls where the beams were anchored need to be repaired. The carpenter who was coming to do the doors now says he cannot come for 2 months. The courtyard doors need to be painted. And more demolition and construction is planned.
There’s also a problem with the electric power. The ceiling lights won’t stay on in the early evening hours. Maybe it’s that there isn’t enough power to reach the back of the building; or too many people using electricity; or the ballasts are wearing out. Whatever the reason, it’s dark without light.
A couple of days ago when the lights wouldn’t turn on I went to my room to find a flashlight. It’s not often I find myself surrounded by such darkness. It was so dark I couldn’t even see my hand. Literally. All I could identify and “know” was what I could feel and touch. The rest might as well not exist.
The culture in Cuba is one that accepts only what can be seen and identified. And worship is a spiritual dimension that does not fit that culture. But to those that believe in God by faith, His power brings light into their darkness to make them whole, to give them a new kind of life that cannot be found apart from God. So worshipping God IS a majestic and healing experience for people in Cuba who believe. It’s the spiritual dimension of peace, joy and hope to those whose lives have been illuminated by God’s light . It’s an experience that cannot be found apart from God.

The moving force of the mission trip of "finding Jesus in Cuba" is the power of the Holy Spirit. This power gives light to the people that become the light of the world. One of those light of God is my sister Rachel, she lights up whenever the subject of our conversation is a mission trip to Buenavista and Rememdios. God has given her a call to become the heart of this mission. Me, I just support her with my prayer, God does the rest.