We arrived in Cuba Friday night. It tooks us 23 hours to travel –not half-way around the world, no---just from California to North Central Cuba. Plane schedules made it a long trip. Saturday is a blurr. So on Sunday, with our feet firmly planted we went to visit…
Three small missions--Dos Sierras, Adelas, and Vinas. Forty people whose love shines in these 3 small towns at the foot of the mountains. They started small. One or two persons in each town. And changes followed. An alcoholic, someone who unable to cope with life and attempted suicide, another whose illness overpowered her life -- emerged transformed because their wants are now aligned with God’s plan for their life…with God’s desires for this world. Now they are like salt, enhancing the taste of what true life is about. There is hope, there’s a plan, life is abundant, joyous, and blessed when you follow God’s plan.
They greet each other on their small town´s streets....“Sister!....blessings”. “Brother!....blessings” . Everyone knows who they are and what they believe.
As each mission group has grown, the rule of God expands bringing blessings to their neighbors around them. The town’s people know who to go to when they’re in distress, when they are seeking good council, when life is too difficult to bare.
So here, in these small towns we have been encouraged, loved and yes…blessed. We found living examples of what it is to be “salt of the earth.”
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