The time has come to leave Cuba. And we leave with plans to return in February to do more work on the church building, to work with life groups and visit the new missions, to bring resources for the Children’s Camp in April, and to finalize plans for the Youth Camp in July.
When we arrived last week it seemed that we had just left Cuba. It was great to recognize and greet the young people who we met at camp last July; to see once again the familiar faces of the men and women who are now our friends and family. It was a bit of heaven.
Rachel and I attended one of the youth home groups on Monday night. Some I recognized and some were new. I shared with them about God’s calling. Afterwards, we played volleyball at the church courtyard. No net, just the string that is used to hang clothes to dry.
We attended the prayer meeting on Tuesday night. On Wednesday while Rachel and Rosalva went to the children’s small group, I attended a class taught in partnership with the Moore Theological College program out of Australia. The six people there that night were excited to have me join them and to participate in the study.
We were able to be with Rachel’s family on Friday and celebrate two birthdays with them. We also shared some of Cuba’s beauty with the Team as we made our way to Havana for our departure.
So we seek God’s guidance and as He opens the doors and brings the team together for our return February 17-25, 2012.
We go there to carry their burden, literally. To put our shoulder to the task – side by side. To live inside their skin and experience personally their struggles, their joys, their love. To quote Alexis, the pastor of Remedios, “We miss you, but we are happy -- especially with your visit. It serves as encouragement and support to us.” The people in the church of Remedios send you their greetings.
Thank you to all of you for your support in prayer, with donations, and funds; for the support of SVCC as a whole in making Cuba a focus country for the Kelton Campus.
-- Oscar
Well done Oscar, I can sense your love for the people and your obedience to God's call. It is never easy but it is always full of rewards, here and in heave.