Saturday, July 16, 2011

No Language Barrier Here

During the trip I spoke with a woman who said that Cubans have a great sense of humor. It's been this sense of humor that has carried them through difficult times, including the Special Period when the economy crashed after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Those were difficult times.

If they can joke about the Special Period, they can laugh about anything. Laughter is their escape valve. Instead of the "road rage" we see in the U.S., they have "laughter rage."

At camp there were four teams in competition. The competition, it ends up, wasn't about the prize. (The winning team got candy) Competing was its own reward. One day the competition was to portray laughter, panic and anxiety when buying a loaf of bread. Oscar and I had to select the winner. The winner was pretty clear, so Oscar decided to portray his emotions when he announced the winner.

Hope it brings, at least, a smile to your face.

"So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.” Psalm 126:8 (TM)



  1. I laugh every time I watch this video.

  2. More than a smile.... a sense of being there. thanks
