Sometimes we are so busy with daily life, that we don’t see the spectacular things taking place around us.
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Pastor Alexis and his wife Yudith |
This has been my experience in the last few days. We have with us a team from the U.S. that gaveup their comforts of home to share their Christian experience with us.
This past week Rachel, Oscar, Seth, Christina, Paul and Esther came to participate in our youth camp. That they would endure all these inconveniences for a larger gain can only be possible because of theirwillingness to be used by an immense God who loves us so much that uses limited and imperfect people for his glory. There’s no doubt that their presence here is the plan of our great God.
Why here?
Cuba has lived under communist doctrine for over 50 years. In school, our children are taught how to be communists andthat religion is merely a drug. They teach that God does not exist, that we merely evolved as humanbeings, dependant not on the divine, but by the “grace“ of chance.
But, our children are starving for spiritual food that they do not receive atschool. I see today-- this moment--as the opportune time to teach our children about Jesus. They need to know the gospel, what it means for an immense God to, not only love us through our imperfection, but to want to be glorified through us. What’s more, they need desperately to know how to live out the values ofthe Kingdom of God. This is what our church is doing with the youth in the urban city of Remedios.
I welcome you to come see what Jesus is doing in Cuba. Come visit us in Cuba! I promise that what you witness here with us will far outweigh the conveniences you leave behind.
What are the requirements to come?
To understand that what is eternal is greater than the temporal, that the celestial transcends the earthly, that any sacrifice or lack we experience will be outweighed by the future benefits. And most of all, to keep in mind that when we leave this world we cannot take anything with us. That is why we should send it ahead, before we leave for eternity. Amen
-Pastor Alexis
Spanish Version:
Dia 8, Julio. Alexis
En ocasiones estamos tan ocupados en lascosas cotidianas, que no percibimos las cosas expectaculares que estanocurriendo a nuestro alrededor. Creo que esta ha sido mi experiencia, enestos dias.
Tener entre nosotros a personas de EEUU.que estan dispuestas a compartir sus experiencias cristianas, a olvidar suscomodidades. Que esten dispuestas a sufrir ciertas privaciones para lograrvienes mayores. Es algo que proviene de la mente de un Dios inmenso, que nosama sobremanera, y que ha querido glorificarse en personas limitadas, e imperfectas.NO tengo la menor duda que todo lo que hemos vivido en estos dias es el plan denuestro buen Dios.
Por que?
Mi pais ha vivido bajo la doctrina comunista por mas de 50 anos. Los ninos aprenden en la escuela que quieren sercomunistas, en el trabajo son premiados los que dicen con mayor fuerza que soncomunistas. Tambien se nos ha ensenado que los EEUU. son enemigos, y que nadabueno vendra del Norte. Lareligion es una droga, y Dios no existe pues surgimos por obra y gracia de la“casualidad”
Que les parece?
Indudablemente Dios esta en control, yeste tiempo es especial y oportuno para lograr ensenar a los jovenes acerca deJesus. Y los valores del reino eterno. Hay cosas que nosotros podemos hacer, y de hecho lo estamos haciendo. Pero hay cosas que no podemos lograr solos. Por lo que necesitamos personas como Rachel,Oscar, Set, Pablo, Cristina, y Esther, para formar un equipo que nos permitalograr cosas mayores aun que este campamento.
Dios ha abierto una brecha, y estoyconvencido que muchos mas se sumaran en este empeno de dimensiones eternas.
Que requisitos son necesarios parasumarse al equipo?
Entender que lo eterno es superior a latemporal, que lo celestial trasciende a lo terrenal. Que cualquier sacrificio oprivacion que sufrimos aqui no es comparada con los beneficios futuros.
Tener presente que cuando partamos deeste mundo no podemos llevarnos NADA, por lo que debemos enviarlo antes departir hacia la eternidad. Amen
Hope that all of the blog readers catch a glimpse of Alexis' commitment to that Omnipotent, Gracious and Holy God that he serves.