Sunday, July 10, 2011

Confessions of an Introvert

 I’m losing it.  It’s not so much the heat, or the humidity or the flies, mosquitoes and dirt.  There are just too many people crammed into one space.  I can’t go to the bathroom when I need to.  I can’t walk 10 feet without saying “permiso” 5 times.  I just want to be able to pee when I need to and not hold it for 12 hrs.  I want to be able to wake up, brush my teeth and wash my face without waiting in a line 9 people deep.  I want quiet.  Peace and quiet.  I have complete time-to-myself debt.  Majorly.  It’s wearing me down.  I don’t want to see or hear another person.

- Christina

Just to give you a sense of how crowded it was... this is Oscar trying to sleep in the midst of all our luggage.

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