Monday, July 14, 2014


It's not just Paul's words in  Romans 8:31  "If God is for us, who can be against us." that resonate with me when I see the struggles of the churches in Remedios and Buenavista, but that God unites us through Jesus to work at fulfilling his plan.  Actually, it humbles me to know that God has enough faith in us to depend on us.  How can we not feel compelled?

Here's a short note from Alexis as they endeavor to complete construction of the extension.

Building construction in Cuba is an odyssey. Between the lack of material resources, the dwindling coffers of the treasury, and red tape, it becomes very difficult to even decide to build. And if you decide the going is hard, difficult, and slow. 

So many people are astounded to see the progress of our construction. I have colleagues who have spent several years constructing a building. 

Well, all this is possible by God's mercy, the generosity of many brothers and sisters in the faith, and many more who have committed to pray.
Our work continues .... be of good courage, we are not finished yet. 

We need your help. 

Thank you very much,

Pastor Alexis

Crew getting ready to pour the roof
Some of the crew includes young men from the church

Cooking lunch for the crew.  Oscar says it's chicken

Mixing concrete

Winch Operator

One cement bucket going up

Roof top ready for concrete

Pouring concrète.  Alexis holding wheelbarrow.  Large building on background is the Catholic church.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord give them all the materials and resources to build His house for His glory alone!
