Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The gifts you sent are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
 Philippians 4:18
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After a bumpy start with Oscar’s flight and luggage, the Team made it to Cuba on Saturday afternoon, as scheduled, without any other problems.  Tired, but elated to be there and take in the new sights.

Saturday night they met the young people of the church at their weekly gathering.

Yes, they really like playing goofy games.  
It’s a good ice breaker and the Team joined right in.

Early Sunday morning, the Team spoke to the church in Remedios

They make a great looking team.  Even though Oscar is still in his travel clothes.

Right after this early Sunday service, they traveled 13 miles east to visit the church in Buenavista.

Okay, this looks a little strange for a Sunday service. The church in Buenavista was having their last day of Vacation Bible School.  Yes, you guessed it; the theme was cowboys.  

The guys fell right in step with their cowboys hats while Mark shared some thoughts with the congregation.

After the service and lunch, the Team joined the young people from the church in this truck that took them to a nearby farm.

Where they….

played dominoes,

rode horses,

and swam in the river.

Then back to Remedios for the Sunday evening service.

Here is what Pastor Omar (the pastor of Buenavista) wrote about their experience on Sunday.

“We spent a wonderful time with Oscar, Mark, Elijah and Noah.  My son Jonathan bonded very quickly with Elijah and Noah.  It was impressive.  When the boys left for Remedios, Jonathan was very sad not knowing when he would see them again. They really knew how to give of themselves, not only with Jonathan, but with all the youth of our church and in very little time they left a very favorable impression on everyone.

We are very thankful for the $1000 USD for transporation from SVCC especially since funds we were starting to run low.  Being able to provide transportation for people from the 5 missions to congregate in Buenavista unites us as a body of Christ for worship and fellowship.  Something very needed in our environment.  

Thank you also for the $200 offering from Mesa for the ministry which will be put to very good use. And for the medicines you purchased or donated funds for, which are so needed in our country and are so good for the wellbeing of many.

In Christ’s love,  Omar


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