Friday, July 18, 2014


It was not until recently that I learned that the eagles carry their young on their wings not only to transport them but also to protect them.   So when God says that he carried Israel on eagles' wings it meant they had His protection as well as His guidance.

That's what we need now for the team.

Early this morning at San Francisco Airport

Oscar was taking a different flight than Elijah, Noah and Mark from San Francisco to Houston, where they would meet and fly together to Miami.

Unfortunately, Oscar's flight was delayed two hours which would cause him to miss the Houston connection.  

Thanks to God he was able to take a different route that gets him to Miami in time for the flight to Cuba, but he has to change planes in Los Angeles.

Pray for
- safety;
- the planes will be on schedule; 
- all the 8 pieces of luggage make it for the trip to Cuba;  and 
- for Mark, Elijah and Noah find their way to hotel and back to airport without problems.

- for God to refresh Oscar from the weariness of all the travel;
- and give him a clear mind during the check-in process in Miami; 
- and the passport control and customs process in Cuba.

Exodus 19:4  God said: '"I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to me." 

~ Rachel

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