Saturday, July 26, 2014


“Be happy that your names are written in heaven.”  Luke 10: 20b

On Monday, the day before the retreat was scheduled to start, there was no petrol available for the buses to take the youth from Remedios to Gibara, in the eastern part of the island and nine hours away, where they were to have their retreat.

It was a bit of a scramble, but they turned the sanctuary of the church in Remedios into a multi-purpose room, started using the rooms in the unfinished building extension, and found someone who would cater the lunches during the retreat.  The young people, although disappointed, rallied and the retreat was on.  The facilities cannot accommodate all of them staying overnight for the three days of the retreat, but the mission, the message and the motivation were intact.

      Oscar teaching the mission study

The retreat's theme was sharing the gospel.  
The scripture was Luke 10: 1-20 -- Mission, Message, Motivation.
Two of the young men, Padilla (left) Daisel (right) also taught using their experiences,

After the Bible Study and the Mission Study the young people divided into small groups for a more in-depth and specific discussion of what they heard.   Here, they are meeting in one of the unfinished rooms of the new construction.

Which also doubles as the lunch room.

Evening program - Choir

The planned outings to historical places in Eastern Cuba was replaced with other activities.

They piled in this truck, walked across a large field and...

jumped in the river.

Played fútbol (soccer)

and football

They also played games during the morning program.

Badminton.  Notice the string for the net and boards for the boundaries.

Best hair contest using shaving cream.

And then,  scooting across the rooms to the chairs with the cookie,

But to eat the cookie, you have to put it on your eye and slide it to your mouth without touching it.
They look like zombies, don't they?

They learned that God has given us a mission that is unique to each one of us--to our experiences and our person.  That we have a life-changing message of reconciliation to God.  And a motivation:   
"Be happy that your names are written in heaven."  Luke 10:20b

~ Rachel

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The gifts you sent are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
 Philippians 4:18
~ - ~
After a bumpy start with Oscar’s flight and luggage, the Team made it to Cuba on Saturday afternoon, as scheduled, without any other problems.  Tired, but elated to be there and take in the new sights.

Saturday night they met the young people of the church at their weekly gathering.

Yes, they really like playing goofy games.  
It’s a good ice breaker and the Team joined right in.

Early Sunday morning, the Team spoke to the church in Remedios

They make a great looking team.  Even though Oscar is still in his travel clothes.

Right after this early Sunday service, they traveled 13 miles east to visit the church in Buenavista.

Okay, this looks a little strange for a Sunday service. The church in Buenavista was having their last day of Vacation Bible School.  Yes, you guessed it; the theme was cowboys.  

The guys fell right in step with their cowboys hats while Mark shared some thoughts with the congregation.

After the service and lunch, the Team joined the young people from the church in this truck that took them to a nearby farm.

Where they….

played dominoes,

rode horses,

and swam in the river.

Then back to Remedios for the Sunday evening service.

Here is what Pastor Omar (the pastor of Buenavista) wrote about their experience on Sunday.

“We spent a wonderful time with Oscar, Mark, Elijah and Noah.  My son Jonathan bonded very quickly with Elijah and Noah.  It was impressive.  When the boys left for Remedios, Jonathan was very sad not knowing when he would see them again. They really knew how to give of themselves, not only with Jonathan, but with all the youth of our church and in very little time they left a very favorable impression on everyone.

We are very thankful for the $1000 USD for transporation from SVCC especially since funds we were starting to run low.  Being able to provide transportation for people from the 5 missions to congregate in Buenavista unites us as a body of Christ for worship and fellowship.  Something very needed in our environment.  

Thank you also for the $200 offering from Mesa for the ministry which will be put to very good use. And for the medicines you purchased or donated funds for, which are so needed in our country and are so good for the wellbeing of many.

In Christ’s love,  Omar


Friday, July 18, 2014


It was not until recently that I learned that the eagles carry their young on their wings not only to transport them but also to protect them.   So when God says that he carried Israel on eagles' wings it meant they had His protection as well as His guidance.

That's what we need now for the team.

Early this morning at San Francisco Airport

Oscar was taking a different flight than Elijah, Noah and Mark from San Francisco to Houston, where they would meet and fly together to Miami.

Unfortunately, Oscar's flight was delayed two hours which would cause him to miss the Houston connection.  

Thanks to God he was able to take a different route that gets him to Miami in time for the flight to Cuba, but he has to change planes in Los Angeles.

Pray for
- safety;
- the planes will be on schedule; 
- all the 8 pieces of luggage make it for the trip to Cuba;  and 
- for Mark, Elijah and Noah find their way to hotel and back to airport without problems.

- for God to refresh Oscar from the weariness of all the travel;
- and give him a clear mind during the check-in process in Miami; 
- and the passport control and customs process in Cuba.

Exodus 19:4  God said: '"I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to me." 

~ Rachel

Monday, July 14, 2014


It's not just Paul's words in  Romans 8:31  "If God is for us, who can be against us." that resonate with me when I see the struggles of the churches in Remedios and Buenavista, but that God unites us through Jesus to work at fulfilling his plan.  Actually, it humbles me to know that God has enough faith in us to depend on us.  How can we not feel compelled?

Here's a short note from Alexis as they endeavor to complete construction of the extension.

Building construction in Cuba is an odyssey. Between the lack of material resources, the dwindling coffers of the treasury, and red tape, it becomes very difficult to even decide to build. And if you decide the going is hard, difficult, and slow. 

So many people are astounded to see the progress of our construction. I have colleagues who have spent several years constructing a building. 

Well, all this is possible by God's mercy, the generosity of many brothers and sisters in the faith, and many more who have committed to pray.
Our work continues .... be of good courage, we are not finished yet. 

We need your help. 

Thank you very much,

Pastor Alexis

Crew getting ready to pour the roof
Some of the crew includes young men from the church

Cooking lunch for the crew.  Oscar says it's chicken

Mixing concrete

Winch Operator

One cement bucket going up

Roof top ready for concrete

Pouring concrète.  Alexis holding wheelbarrow.  Large building on background is the Catholic church.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


JULY 18 – 30, 2014

Meet the team going with Oscar to Buenavista and the Youth Retreat in Remedios

Oscar, Mark, Elijah and Noah

Mark Laine - "Marco" - I am the father of Elijah and Noah who will be traveling with me on this Cuban Mission Trip. I work as a fire inspector for Salinas Fire Department. On my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family, going on trips, hiking, fishing, and off-roading. I am excited about the Cuban Mission trip because it is a great opportunity to represent Jesus and our South Valley Community Church with my two sons! I am humbled to be a part of this mission and look forward to it's adventure. 

Elijah Laine - "Elias" - I am 16 years old and entering the 11th grade at Christopher High School. I love playing football, basketball, and soccer. I am looking forward to traveling to Cuba to spread the love of Jesus and share His good news! I also hope I will meet new friends and have a lasting impact in their lives. 

Noah Laine -  I am 14 years old and entering the 9th grade at Bellarmine College Prep. I also love playing football, basketball, and soccer. I would like to go to Cuba because I want to impact other people's lives who are less fortunate than I am, teach other young people about Jesus, and have lots of fun with my new friends. I also will appreciate all the blessings I have been given.  

Oscar -  I am excited about what God has in store for us this trip.  The theme of the youth retreat is Mission – Message – Motive.  Every day is clearer to me that our real purpose in life cannot be found apart from the mission God has given us.  And it is all interwoven by being created in the image of God; Jesus life, death, resurrection and ascension; the Kingdom of God; and our eternal hope.  We pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal this to the young people at the retreat in such as way that they will be joyfully energized to share the good news with others.

Join us in prayer as we embark in this trip.  Pray for Mark, Elijah, Noah and me; that our hearts will be open to being used by God to be a blessing to others; to adjust to the culture, language, food and heat; and for all the supplies to arrive safely in Cuba.

If you’d like to donate towards this mission trip through South Valley Community Church you can use this link.  

Donate toward the supplies need for  this trip using this link

Funds will be used for contruction, the youth retreat materials, vacation bible school materials, and transportation for the missions in Buenavista

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Just because we have not blogged for several months, it does not mean that things in Buenavista and Remedios have been at a standstill.  God is moving his agenda forward through many people.


Celebrated the 78th anniversary of the church

This year Buenavista opened two new mission houses and 
baptized three people from one of them. 


The new missions have children's programs and days when the neighbors  join in games of dominoes.

I remember when I was growing up in Cuba that our neighbors got together on weekends to play dominoes in someone's front porch.  


The young people are very involved in all these activities


Construction continues.  The first floor is finished.  Two weeks ago they sent us these  photos of the stairs going up to the second floor and the construction of the second floor.  They expect to pour the cement roof this coming week.

In April they held Children's camp.  Children from the outlaying small towns were able to join them.  For many it was the first time traveling any distance from home.

Twelve people ages 15 to 80 were baptized in March.  

They continue to visit the very small towns around Remedios and plan to hold vacation bible schools at them this summer.

Pastor Alexis is helping other churches establish small groups.  Below he writes about his experience when he visited one of the churches.

“On Wednesday at 5: 30 AM, the alarm clock startled me awake.   Today I’m  off to a place hidden in Villa Clara’s geography--a small town called El Perico.  We had in our hearts the desire to share with the church there our vision of reaching people with God’s word through small groups.  As the non-denominational coordinator for the province, my job is to encourage and guide churches to establish small groups, but it’s impossible to be everywhere.

We rode in a truck at the exasperating speed of 35 miles per hour and stopping much too often along the way.  When we arrived at the Sierra Crossroads and asked about the best way to get to El Perico, they told us to take the old and very popular bus of San Fernando--"go on foot for a while and then walk for a while.”  (in Spanish it rhymes:  San Fernando--un poco a pie y otro caminando.)

We arrived to find a small group of people waiting at the church in El Perico. They were full of God’s spirit and very happy to have us there.  We shared our presentation in the morning; at noon we enjoyed a delicious lunch and in the afternoon we continued with a  workshop.  Afterwards we prayed, sang and had an uplifting time before it was time to go.

A bus stops at El Perico twice a day and at 6: 00 pm we boarded the last bus of the day.   As I rode away I felt very happy and privileged to know these humble and loving people whose only goal is to dedicate their life to their Lord and Savior.

The cool breeze of the Cuban countryside felt like the breath of the Holy Spirit invigorating my soul. And in the distance I could hear the songs of birds joining in my prayer of praise and thanksgiving to my God."