Friday, March 23, 2012

February Mission Trip Video

On Sunday, March 25, Oscar was going to speak about the February Mission Trip to the congregation at South Valley Community Church (SVCC) in the Kelton Campus (Gilroy). However, the talk was postponed until April 15 (not a good day?)

SVCC has been the support base for the mission trips to Cuba. Although many people share and pray for this ministry and contribute financially, without the continuous support and encouragement of the congregation and leadership of SVCC Kelton, this ministry would not be possible.

You can view this video at The song is "A Ti Sea La Gloria" (To You Be the Glory) by Blest.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Often Pastor Yaisel expresses how much our mission trips mean spiritually to the young people at the church. And my first intention is to sort of dismiss his comments because I can never imagine really making that much of a difference. We simply go because we feel in our hearts a desire to support them in the work they are doing. It’s something God has put in our hearts to do.

Then I think of the people who impacted my life when I was young. Someone like Lon, who was the bible teacher and leader of our youth group…way back then when I was young. What mattered most was that he cared about me and loved each one of the young people there. He was present in our lives when there were difficulties. I think of another teacher, Iris, earlier in my life and how the love she had for me was a precious treasure that helped me get a glimpse of God’s love. And I start to see a pattern emerge between caring, loving and impact. And when it takes place within the spiritual realm, it begins to impact a life, my life and yours, in ways that leave that inedible imprint that lasts for eternity. The one Yaisel talks about.

So, I get it Yaisel. It’s not just a friendly visit or a vacation or even a challenge. It’s caring and love shared through the things we do together be it bible study, games, a day at the beach, camp, or songs. It’s being “present” in each other’s life, even for a week. It’s God in us and us in God not only individually but also corporately. That is why Gladys said in one of the earlier posts it reminds her of what God has always intended for life to be. United in Him; loving and caring for and about each other. Leaving an indelible imprint in each other’s life.

- Rachel

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Repairs, Renewal, Rebuilding

"We all promise that we will take care of the Temple of our God." Nehemiah 10:39b

The building where the church in Remedios gathers is over 100 years old. They have been using the building for 75 years. A lot of blessings, prayers, hymns have taken place within their walls. Now the building itself needs some repairs.

After a weekend full of activities with the young people and in Buenavista, it is time to take out the tools of the trade and start working on the church building. This time it's the doors. Three large doors on the front of the building need to be stripped of the brown and bluish layers of paint to get to the wood. So heat guns on hand we start the day stripping paint to get to the old wood underneath.

While we stripped the doors, Pastor Alexis was using very large cement drill to go through a very thick wall. He made a hole to install a power outlet on the other side.

The amount of work that needs to be done is overwhelming. It takes resources, but mostly patience.

The whole time I was working on the doors I was thinking of all the talented people in construction that I know and wished they were here.

But they had provided the next best thing: tools and resources to do the work.

People at SVCC in California supplied the tools; and together with other believers throughout the U.S., supported in prayer a team to work shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Cuba; to make a difference--not just in the church building, but in the lives of people in both countries.

So I think of the Israelites and Nehemiah, working together to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. They overcome obstacles, draw closer to God, remember what God has done for them, re-awaken spiritually, and renew their commitment to God.

- Oscar

These men who are part of the church repaired the walls. They filled large plastic bags with debris then carted it off.