Wednesday, February 25, 2015

It is such a thrill to see the Church in Cuba alive and well.  My faith is encouraged by the faith of our brothers and sisters prevailing under difficult circumstances. Prevailing under Pressure was the theme of the Friday-Saturday pastor’s Conference. It is amazing how relevant the Gospel message is whether you speak it to new believers, seekers or pastors. I am reminded of the song I used to sing as a child, “I Love to Tell the Story of Jesus and His Love.” It is such good news. It is THE Good News. 

Pastors´ Conference

It was my delight to share with the pastor’s wives about their identity in Christ. They shared stories of their struggle with discouragement and how this conference was like a lifeline that renewed their resolve and lifted their spirits. 

Speaking to the over 80 children that gathered on Sunday is another high point for me so far in our trip. Many of the children come from homes without believing parents. It was so cool to see the AWANA program working so well with children meeting in small groups, praying together and sharing in scripture memorization.  I spoke in the main session about how precious their faith is as children. I had Greg climb through a hula-hoop to illustration how even adults have to become childlike in their faith and trust in order to enter the Kingdom. It demonstrated how much easier it is for children to have faith than it is for adults and how important it is for them to keep their faith alive even as they grow older.  It was awesome to see over 20 youth running the program and small groups. I particularly had them in mind as I shared.

It is great to see first-hand what is being accomplished through the a partnership we have with Pastor Alexis, his wife, Yudit and the church in Remedios, thanks to the pioneering work of Oscar and Rachel and the vision and generosity of our church family.
 ~  Carol

1 comment:

  1. What incredible blessings for all the people in Cuba! May the Lord continue to bless them!!
