Thursday, July 19, 2012


We are ready.  Made it from San Francisco to Florida without any problems; connected with Kristin at the airport; enjoyed Rafael's and Miriam's hospitality, their jokes and love; ate Cuban food; and tomorrow  (Friday, July 20) we are up and running at 5 AM for our flight to Cuba.

Emily and Kristin are joining us (Oscar and Rachel) on this trip.  And introductions are in order.


I am Emily Davis, the youngest person on the team and very likely the most nervous. I am also the designated blogger; allow me to properly introduce myself:                        

At hardly eighteen years old, I am at a susceptible age, sponging up information and soaking in experiences. My worldview is just beginning to take a more substantial shape. The books I read, the classes I take, the church services I attend, the people I spend my time with, and my own prayer life are constantly shaving away and plastering onto a formless object that is quickly becoming my niche in God’s Plan. This past year, in my Bible class, we went through the book of James. This has always been my favorite book; this class taught me why. One of the key themes of this book was living out your faith, not because salvation is works-based, but because your faith naturally prompts you into action. This missions trip is one way for me to put what I learned in James into practice.                                                

In addition to living out my faith, I am excited to experience a new culture and meet new people. God’s people. My brothers and sisters in Christ. In America, I am sheltered from a day to day need for God, in the practical sense. I do not have to worry about food, or electricity, or transportation. All of the resources I need are either at the store or a mouse click away. I want to see how these people need God, and how they praise him for providing. This will be a new way for me to view people, to view God, and an opportunity to reassess myself in terms of where my values lie. I feel like I have so much to learn from the people in Cuba, and it is my hope to be used by God and to be open to all of the lessons that I can absorb. 

Kristin Sando

Four years ago I packed everything that would fit in my civic and drove to Los Angeles to work freelance, research non-profit work overseas, and be free to pick up and leave at a moment's notice.  Two years ago the dream to leave the country and do God's work started to become a reality when I packed everything that would fit in two suitcases and flew to China to work as an English teacher and serve the Family (wink wink) any way I could.  It was a year that proved to be the most stretching and beautiful year of my life thus far.  I was tossed around by Chinese culture, thrown on the waves of Communism, and torn apart from the lack of anything to distract me from the realities of cross-cultural life.  Fortunately, my Father and Jesus Christ were right there to put me back together into the person I needed to be to serve Him through the Mandate to spread His love.

I wouldn't change that year for five comfortable years in the States.  Although it looks like I will be living here in America for the foreseeable future, I'm hoping to get my fix of cross-cultural missions during this trip to Cuba.  Wonderful things in the name of Jesus are being done on the ground in this rather isolated country.  Our team has the immense pleasure of joining with Pastor Alexis' congregation in worshiping our Creator and instilling knowledge of Him who sent us in the hearts and minds of their youth.  

Our Father works in ways we cannot understand in order to bring us closer to Him.  When we walk with Him, He provides strength and peace and a bottomless love to carry us into eternity.  All He asks for are the few years we have on earth.  



  1. Such a priviledge to get to know these two girls, actually young ladies with an inmense desire to execute God's plan while they spread His love wherever they go. They touched my heart deeply, hope you pray for them during their trip to Cuba.

  2. Are y'all doing the summer camp again this year?
