Monday, June 27, 2011


My friend Cara told me this weekend that she has never met anyone who asks as many questions as I do.  I don't know if it's a good, bad, or God forbid, annoying thing, but she reminded me that it's a pretty core part of "Esther-ing" (being Esther in the world). in the reality that the world is so complex and big to understand it, to contain just a piece of eternity in your hands, you must ask questions...

So, as I prepare for the trip, here are some of the questions I am excited to ask Cubans in Cuba: 

1. What is Fidel like?

2. Could you live without fried plantains because I can't live without red bean Popsicles for long periods of time?

3. Is ballet a manly man's sport in Cuba?  If not, why are there are so many more male ballet dancers in Cuba than in America?

3. Is Cuba legitimately friends with all the other five remaining communist countries or would Cubans call them "frenemies" (friends who are also enemies)?

4. Does America's War on Terror bother you, especially since we house potential terrorists in Cuba @ Guantanamo Bay?  (my students want to know)

5. Did you know that there are people like Christina and I who grew up in America and speak fluent English, but we look oh-so-Chinese because we are ... well, oh-so Chinese?

6. Most importantly, do you like watermelon... because I am instant friends with anyone who loves watermelon, literally.  I mean that.


1 comment:

  1. I buy them from the Chinese supermarket... and I wonder by saying this aloud if this makes me so much less Chinese :). My mom used to make them when we were kids and I think I still like hers the best though! Will I meet you in Florida when we arrive or depart to Cuba?
