The venue we've used the past few years was not available; but a better one was--at a price well beyond our budget. What price are we willing to pay to have a child's dream come true?
And what would our Good Father do when we ask for the benefit of children who are the heirs of His kingdom? So the impossible became possible and off we went with 105 children and leaders to camp.
The theme was Children in Action. And the centerpiece was the Bible and missionary stories inspiring us to share the gospel with others. We taught and challenged children to share the gospel with friends and family.
By the last day of camp a girl named Sandrita was ready to share with her friends. She showed us how much she'd learned by telling us the plan of salvation guided by the colors of the "Book without Words" they made at camp.
During the afternoons the children were free to go to the playground were they found swings, see-saws and a slide.
In the evening all the children were delighted by the rambunctious and funny puppets who visited every night.
I would say the camp was a success thanks to our dedicated leaders who were the true heroes of the week. And to the generous donors who, at the last moment, made it all possible.
Glory to the God of the impossible, who always gives generously. Amen.
Pastor Alexis