Hello friends!
This is Sam Whittaker, Mission Pastor from SVCC.
My wife Christina and I are here in Cuba (for the first time), and I am so
excited to share an update with you all about how the trip has been so far.
We arrived in Cuba Wednesday morning. Alexis
picked us up at the airport and we took the two-hour drive from the airport (in
Cienfuegos) to Remedios. It was a great opportunity for all of us to see Cuba
from the road, and to ask Alexis, Oscar, and Rachel tons of questions about
Cuba. After arriving in Remedios, we had dinner with Alexis and his family and
got to experience their joy, generosity, and hospitality.

Thursday was kicked off the Pastor’s Conference.
It is a three-day conference for pastors and their wives. Christina
photographed the Pastors and their wives, then quickly edited them and handed
them off to a local Cuban photographer to have them printed as a gift for each
couple. Eric has preached 9 sermons so far (it’s currently Friday evening) and
will preach two more before the conference ends. Carol has led several breakout
sessions with the women. Rachel and Oscar have been translating for us
constantly, as well as participating in some of the Q&A time that we have
had with the pastors. Finally, I have been having a blast leading Spanish worship
songs, along with some of the musicians from Alexis’ church.

We have been struck by the incredible passion and
hard work of these pastors who are laboring for the gospel here. Being a pastor
in Cuba is an incredibly difficult vocation, both spiritually and practically,
and as the pastors have shared their struggles with us during the conference,
we have been humbled by their dedication.
As the trip continues, please pray for these men
and their families. Pray that this would be a time of encouragement and
empowerment for them, and that God will bless them and make them fruitful.