Wednesday, December 31, 2014


A Christmas Day Story

After a lot of ardous work, we finally had everything ready to bring the spirit of Christmas to children living in small villages in North of Central Cuba.

We had worked so hard knowing that God would bless this work and could see ourselves riding on a comfortable bus and everything being perfect—after all it was Christmas and we were on a mission.

We were up at 5 AM and ready for the long trip to several villages when the transportation manager of the place were we rented the bus called to tell us that the bus was no longer available and she’d have to hunt down some transportation for us. 

And that is just what she did.  She hunted down a dilapidated bus, not comfortable at all, and I had my doubts that it could hold together for the trip.  But the young driver was jovial and ready for the drive.  With a deafening noise from the rickety bus we left—happy that we had an answer to our prayers.

A few kilometers down the road, we heard a rumble.  Then a frightening scream from Frank, as one of the side windows fell inside the bus.  The driver, still smiling said, “Just throw it in the back, it will be a lot cooler now.”  This trip was turning out to be a fun and dangerous adventure.  We finally reached our destination—almost two hours late.  


A crowd of eager children was waiting for us in the middle of the road. They greeted us with smiling faces. What a joy these children are.  I told Ana, the owner of the house, that we would have come even if we had to ride bicycles.   

 The team from our church brought a spiritual, enlightening, and dynamic program. 

   Each presentation was full of laughter, stories , games....

       ...crafts and

                                                   ...and gifts.


 To see the smiles on the children’s faces of the children, was a lovely Christmas present for us.  It was the same in all the eight villages we visited; that day we ministered to over 180 children.

On the way back the bus was as tired as we were after 12 hours of intense activity. 

Not long after we started, a clanging banging noise made us stop.  For a moment I thought the Cuban countryside would have to host us that night.  But our driver, smiling from ear to ear came back into the bus with half of the exhaust pipe in his hand.  “It’s nothing guys, let’s keep going”, he said.  We looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

God works in strange ways.  This dilapidated rickety bus was a productive instrument used by God to lead us there and bring us back.  The team of young people from the church--some only 14 years old -- made me feel proud to be their pastor.  Their dedication, earnestness, and spirituality with which they worked was the best Christmas present for me and for the children we encountered this day, who many forget but God always remembers.

~ Pastor Alexis


Buenavista has purchased the house in Adelas to use as the church mission.  This was not an easy task since real estate transactions are not common in Cuba and it requires a lot of documentation and time.

They are also in the process of obtaining the building permit for the educational wing.  They have had to contract an architect, create blue prints, obtain approval from the Baptist Convention, present all the documentation to obtain the building permit, which they expect to receive early in the new year.

Christmas as always is a month full of activity,  In Buenavista they had a event with festivities, programs, a typical “Nochebuena” meal for 120 people from the area.

Remedios also hosted the Christmas program for the province.  They were able to rent the theatre (first time ever that they were allowed to do so).  

The theatre was packed with 650 people from the province of Santa Clara.


After almost a month’s wait they have started working on the building again.  They’ve framed the doors and windows.  The multipurpose room is ready for the floor and the plumbing is complete.  We still need the floor tiles, paint, railing and furniture for the kitchen classrooms, office and storage.

We are hopeful that your Christmas celebration was full of joy and that the new year will be filled with the hope of Christmas.

Rachel and Oscar

 "O God, in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as you look down at us. Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind."        Psalm 67: 1-2 (TLB)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

We have a great God who does great things

Pastor Omar Perez visited with us in California at the end of August.  He has been the pastor of the church in Buenavista since 2006 and spoke about how he has seen God at work in the lives of many people in the area.

Main road into Buenavista

This trip, his first outside Cuba, is an example of God’s hand at work.  The process began  years ago, even before we first met the community of faith in Buenavista.  It continued when three years ago Pastor Omar started the process to become a citizen of Spain in order to travel easily out of Cuba.  Funds to travel, getting on an airplane for the first time and leaving his family and church for two months required he walk each step in faith. 

"This trip is bigger than I am"  Pastor Omar

"I want to make sure I am walking in God's path.  If there is something I am afraid of is not being in the center of God's will in my life and ministry'" Pastor Omar

Pastor Omar met with groups in Gilroy, Hollister, Riverside and Glendale.  In all of them we experienced God moving the hearts of the people who heard him. 

 Here are some of the things Omar said at the meetings:

"With this trip I know God is preparing me for a new stage in my ministry."

At South Valley Community Church in Gilroy, CA with team who went to Buenavista in July.

“God goes ahead of us preparing the way, getting things ready so that when we arrive we can see how he has already made provision for us.”

At El Centro church in Gilroy, CA one of SVCC campus churches.

With El Centro Pastors Juan and Jenny Murillo

“A community of faith needs to come together, get to know each other, share burdens, pray for each other, have fun together and feel like a family…because they are a family united in God’s love.  We need to rely in and love each other.” 

With people from SVCC Hollister Campus

Hollister, CA meeting at Rick and Lisa Davis' home.

“Every resource you have made available has brought people to the knowledge of God.  People have come to know God through transportation, through the medicines, through the youth events, through Vacation Bible School.  Lives have been changed.  Lives have been saved from disaster and those people now lead rewarding lives in Christ.”

Sunday lunch at New Life church in Riverside, CA

With Matt Gibbs, Pastor of New Life church

“We need to wait on God, his timing is perfect.”

In Glendale, CA with Paul Diaz

Group at Paul and Rosangel's home in Glendale, CA

 “We tend to move things closer to see them better, but in my case God brought me far so I could see Cuba better and understand how God is working in Cuba.” 

With wife Zenia and son Jonathan

“I care deeply about people, especially those who do not know Christ.  I dedicate a lot of time to the call I received from God to be a pastor.  Yet, my most important ministry is my family.”

~ - ~

It has been an incredible experience for me to see how God has orchestrated this trip and meetings.  People who I did not know have come together to make it happen.  United in God.  We are not successful when we act as isolated individuals.  As it was in the days of Moses and of Peter, James, and John, being obedient in following God necessarily involves a corporate component.  

There is no doubt that God is preparing Omar to lead his church at a new level, with a renewed vision.  As he returns with plans to construct a larger wing in the church to provide more classroom space we know that God, through us, will provide the resources.

When we truly sense that Christ has already won, we who believe in Him are all winners together. We too become energized, follow the game plan, and sacrifice rather than make up excuses.  We too give generously, encourage rather than criticize, and selflessly assist others.  I have seen this happen.

To follow God is to participate on a winning team. 

Omar is now in Jacksonville, Florida. Once more we see people from the community of faith coming together to participate in God’s plan for Buenavista.  We don’t know the details of God’s plan.  But we are expectant of the awesome things God has already prepared.

~ Rachel

Thursday, August 7, 2014


From Pastor Alexis:

"Lots of thoughts go through our minds when someone tells us they’re coming for a visit.  And emotions run the gamut from a pounding heart to anxiety bordering on worry. Especially when the cupboard is bare.
What I experienced when Oscar confirmed his visit with three of our brothers in Christ from California was joy… like when a loved relative comes to see you.

By the time they arrived everything was ready -- according to our plans. But in this case God had other plans.  And they certainly were much better than ours.

We had to abruptly transfer the Youth Retreat from Gibara to Remedios.  We were upset, and even sad and dismayed as we saw all our preparations of the past few months fall apart. But we were also certain that God does not have a plan B.  He always knows what is going to happen.

I can tell you that in this Youth Retreat we saw God’s hand wonderfully at work."
Last night of Youth Retreat.  "You and I, we are the light ….
…the light that will always shine."

Mural signed by all who attended the Retreat

Remedios Youth Retreat group photo

"And what can I say about our visiting Team? They were the bearers of rich spiritual and material blessings. They shared love and experiences with our group that was a blessing to all. They provided from even the smallest details to a generous offering."

"All I can say is that their presence made a difference at the retreat and in our lives.  Please come again and… make it soon."

~ Pastor Alexis

After the Youth Retreat in Remedios, the team went to Yumuri, where the Baptist Convention has a facility where churches from Western Cuba meet for camps.

Team in Yumuri

Pastor Alexis is the Director of a one-week youth camp for teens ages 14-15.

I guess you have to be a little bit crazy to immerse yourself with 140 teens for a week.

At the entrance of the camp

Chapel where they held the sessions

Worship Team

water-balloon volleyball 

Bonfire on the last night.  A time for introspection and renewal.

From Oscar:

So we just finished our 4th Youth Retreat in Remedios. It could not have happened if it wasn't for SVCC who sponsors the retreat, all the donations and gifts from friends and family, and the awesome team of Mark, Elijah and Noah. 

The theme was simple -- "Live and share Jesus with your friends"

Theme song "Somos La Luz" ('We are") is based on Matthew 5:14 which says, "We are the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden".

When I arrived home I was pleased that we accomplished what we were set out to do.  But also sad I could not stay there longer and continue the fellowship I have been blessed to have with these young people. They face very difficult times that would challenge even mature Christians. One thing is for certain, we see the results of their sharing of the good news with their friends. We heard the beautiful accounts of the young people who have found, through the testimony of their friends, that only through Christ will they find peace, joy and fulfillment in their lives.

Continue to pray for the youth in Remedios and Buenavista, that God will continue to work in their lives and that they will be the light of the world for many of their friends.

May God also continue to work in your lives and that He will put a burden in your heart to continue to support this ministry that God is blessing daily.

Without your prayers and support we could not have done what has been accomplished these last 4 years.

God bless you,

~ Oscar